Pretty flowers and leaves help create an impression of well-being in your home. Follow these care tips for plants in good condition. The houseplants are demanding some maintenance to be in shape all year. These plants, which remain inside, require appropriate care depending on the environment in which they are located. Repotting, watering or pruning, each plant requires daily attention.
If some houseplants like orchids or carnivorous plants acclimatize with difficulty and require specific care, others adapt to everything. If you are a beginner or if you really do not have a green thumb, it is better to choose resistant species. The aspidistra, or “mother-in-law plant”, is content with very little light. It also supports sudden changes in temperature and lack of water. Aloe vera is also easy to grow. It needs little water and tolerates temperature variations. The kentia, a palm tree native to Oceania, also offers the advantage of being pleasing in most interiors. This large dark green plant with evergreen foliage is ideal for novices. Finally, if you do not have enough time to take care of your plants, you can always opt for plastic or fabric imitations.
Maintenance of the houseplant
To allow the houseplants to develop serenely, it is best to recreate the conditions of its natural environment. Put it in a room whose average temperature is around 20 ° C, and in a bright place. It requires the sun for several hours a day, but be careful though; favor a progressive exposure to avoid the risk of burns that can suffer its leaves. Change the position of the pot from time to time so that it grows straight. In terms of soil, the houseplant claims a rich, humiferous and well-drained soil. This is why its container must be relatively deep and pierced with small holes and have been previously covered with clay balls in its bottom. During the growth period of the plant, bring him a special fertilizer respecting the quantities and frequencies indicated, and stop any contribution during the period of rest. Also, it is possible to take it outdoors in the summer. Finally, often being attacked by red spiders and mealybugs, monitor the plant for treatment if necessary.
Watering the houseplant
Again, watering is critical for the houseplant, as rot may develop or leaves may fall. During growth and flowering, bring water as soon as the soil is dry, without drowning. Indeed, take care that there is no standing water on the floor or in the saucer. Reduce the frequency outside these periods, as long as the soil is dry for several centimeters. In all cases, choose non-calcareous water and at room temperature. Also spray the water fairly regularly on the leaves of the plant.
The golden rule: light!
In order for your indoor plants to succeed, they must absolutely have enough light. Thus, no plant will thrive in a dark room, devoid of opening or dimly lit by daylight. However, there is a solution for your plant down the hall: daylight bulbs combined with a timer will provide sufficient light for your plants for 4 to 6 hours a day. Namely: the green plants are better suited to the lack of light than the flowering plants.
In the apartment, according to the exposure of the windows
In an apartment, choose the best location for your plants based on the orientation of your windows.
In a north-facing apartment
Your windows are facing north, you have little light. This attenuated light is perfect for Dracaena, Scindapsus, Pothos, Asparagus, Corynocarpus. Place them near the window for them to benefit at best (at least 2m). In the following tables: locate plants that require indirect light.
In an east-facing apartment
With windows facing east, the room enjoys a mild sun in the morning. The temperature is rarely very high and refreshes at the end of the afternoon. These conditions appeal to many tropical plants. Welcome to your apartment an Alocasia, a Kentia or a Philodendron monstera. In the paintings: locate the plants that require a dim light. Spathyphillum a beautiful houseplant for both its leaves and its unique flower!
In a West-facing apartment
A room facing west is very bright, without ever receiving direct sun, a perfect light for many green plants and even some flowering plants. Adopt a Cycas, a Schefflera and a Spathyphillum. In the tables: locate the plants that require a bright light.
South-facing windows receive a lot of light and a direct sun that can become very hot in the summer. North of the Loire, plants will not have to fear the burning of the sun, which is not the case in the southern regions, where it becomes necessary to protect them with an opaque veil or shutters. All plants can be enjoyed in a south-facing apartment if the growing conditions are respected (sufficiently far from the window, not too high temperatures). The large green plants it particularly pleasing: think of Beaucarnea at Phoenix roebelini, or Ficus. In the paintings: locate plants that require full light.