Add Glamour to your Home by making little design changes

glamour look to your home

To have a great impact in your home the little things you can change have been narrowed down by the Glasgow kitchen specialists DM Designs. We also appreciate the little touches that make a difference too although we love seeing big transformations in the home! Making a big impact to your home here we share some of our favorite little design changes …

Layers in the home

Any room can be made to stand out by adding layers of different materials. Layering is a great way to achieve new dimensions whether it’s rugs and furniture in other rooms or in the bedroom with layers of blankets, throws and cushions.

Incorporate fresh plants

A new trend that is photographed all over social media is an addition to your home that comes cheap is growing your own plants and herbs indoors. To make it aesthetically pleasing have more fun by mixing up plant pots between vintage and classic around your home.

Light Amplification

By adding more mirrors increase the amount of light that comes into your room. To make everything brighter and more spacious the mirrors amplify any light from the windows and lights. Need another tip? To intensify this effect, place lamps in front of mirrors.

Add your Own Decorations

Spending on buying new items can be minimized by creating your own decorations out of products that you would usually dispose of. There’s always a creative option whether you use candles to decorate an empty fireplace or turn jam jars into candle holders and vases.

Doors Paintings

Changing the color of your doors is something that you might not normally think of doing. Only do this if you have a lot of room as changing it from white to black could make your home stand out. Limited on space? For an extreme 3D effect just paint the outer-edges.